With this online 12 week Return to Running Programme I will support you the whole way.
Returning to running after a baby takes time.
Growing & birthing a baby changes your posture, biomechanics, breathing, core & pelvic floor & so much more.
I will guide you on our journey back to running a 5k over the 12 week period.
What the programme includes:
- A 5k plan where you need to find 30 minutes 3 times a week
- x 1 strength workout a week which progressively gets harder
- x 1 mobility routine a week
- Information given to you during the 12 weeks on topics such as the best sports bras to wear, breastfeeding & running, what trainers to wear, nutrition, hydration, sleep, core & pelvic floor, recipes & so much more
- My support & guidance in a closed group on Facebook
- A final 5k run together to celebrate our achievements & give you a goal to work towards
- A 10% discount on sports massage with myself during the 12 week period
Who’s the programme for?
- You MUST be at least 12 weeks post-natal
- You need to have passed the Load & Strength Tests here
- You need to be self-motivated & committed to following a plan at home
- Be able to find 30 minutes 3 times a week to follow the return to running programme (ideally with no pram)
- Be free on Sunday 8th December (time to be confirmed closer to the time) for your final 5k group run
- Have a positive attitude & be able to support & motivate others
When: Starting Wednesday 11th September for 12 weeks
Cost: £120.00 in full or £45 a month for 3 months