Welcome to MenoWoman® our MAGICAL combination of Peri-to-Post Menopause Pelvic Health programming & wider care for women transitioning through Midlife.
Ultimately, Pelvic Health changes during the Peri-to-Post Menopause transition & it’s often a time when women start to notice a change in how their body works in terms of continence, sexual health & overall pelvic wellness. Compounded by other Menopausal symptoms, this is also often a time when women need a little extra education, support & sisterhood to navigate a changing bodily terrain in order to empower their deepest help.
If this speaks to you then you’re in the right place because I am a certified Burrell Education 3rd Age Woman – Peri-to-Post Menopause Coach as well as being highly skilled in delivering the Gold Standard Pelvic Health Programme – EveryWoman®. We have married these two mighty resources to create MenoWoman® – a 7 week journey to your best Peri-to-Post Menopause Pelvic & overall wellbeing. Our beautiful gift to you full of information & skills that will last you a lifetime…..
- You’re a Peri-to-Post Menopausal woman seeking POSITIVE support & guidance regarding your changing Pelvic Health
- You’d like support & easy to digest information on how you can better transition from through Peri-to-Post Menopause plus answers to many of the questions that women have at this time
- You’d like to either work 1-2-1 or in a small group (in person or via Zoom) to have a deep dive focus on your Pelvic Health & your Meno journey
- You feel it’s TIME to take back your power, get educated & learn skills that will ensure you get back to enjoying & fully participating in life again
If you’ve answered YES to the above questions…..THIS PROGRAMME IS FOR YOU!
In addition to your weekly Pelvic Health movement session, you’ll take part in short weekly sessions covering the following subjects…..
Week 1: Soothe (Your Nervous System) – Change & hormonal health starts with a calm nervous system – Job No: 1
Week 2: Soft Tissue Work – roll, bend & stretch your way to better alignment & a soothed nervous system
Week 3: Stunning Stools – For OUTSTANDING Hormonal & Pelvic Health, ALL the top tips
Week 4: Sugar Sleuthing – Reversing Insulin Resistance is Job No: 2 in the P2PM Years + Identifying emotional & unconscious consumption
Week 5: Sleep Sleuthing – Optimizing sleep is the gateway to a better brain, energy, waistline, better decision-making & mental wellbeing – A good nights sleep starts when you wake up!
Week 6: Writing Your Radical ‘Self-Care’ Manifesto – HOW TO COMMIT TO SAVING YOURSELF!
Week 7: Consolidate, Review and Begin Your Journey!
Sign up using the link below.
You will then complete an in-depth screening form & once it’s been checked & it’s agreed that the programme is the right fit for you, you’ll enter the world of Holistic Core Restore® whereby I will take you through our MenoWoman® programme for 7 weeks.
This programme is a mix of Functional Exercise, Supportive Nutrition, Breathwork, Alignment Work & Self-Care/Lifestyle Revision ALL designed to deeply improve your Pelvic & Meno Transition health – overall, a deep & precious gift that every woman deserves & needs in her lifetime. Are you ready to give yourself a gift that keeps on giving?
As well as your weekly meeting with myself & support via a dedicated Facebook or WhatsApp group, you are also deeply supported by the online homework that you access via our state-of-the-art homework portal where you journey through a weekly-progressed workout led by programme creator Jenny Burrell & are further supported by myself. You have ETERNAL ACCESS to this portal once your programme is complete so indeed, this programme truly is a gift that keeps on giving.
Course Details:
When: Saturday 5th March (no class on 12th March) 10am
Where: Follan Natural Health Centre
Price: £149 (pay in full or instalment opion available)