Athlete 12

£25.00 / month for 3 months

Introducing Holistic Core Restore® Athlete 12. 12 weeks of upping your game, upping the intensity, upping the effort and ultimately, 12 weeks of getting FITTER, FASTER, STRONGER and being able to go for LONGER because you’ve built a strong HCR foundation and now you’re ready to roll!

Excitingly, you can access this programme ONLINE with your HCR Coach so once you have your FOUNDATION in place and the time is right for you to work harder…..this will be heroic! You truly will enter ‘athlete mode’ with this programme and have a lot of fun getting probably the fittest you’ve ever been.



Introducing Holistic Core Restore® Athlete 12. 12 weeks of upping your game, upping the intensity, upping the effort and ultimately, 12 weeks of getting FITTER, FASTER, STRONGER and being able to go for LONGER because you’ve built a strong HCR foundation and now you’re ready to roll!

Excitingly, you can access this programme ONLINE with your HCR Coach so once you have your FOUNDATION in place and the time is right for you to work harder…..this will be heroic! You truly will enter ‘athlete mode’ with this programme and have a lot of fun getting probably the fittest you’ve ever been.

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